The new bill is supposed to be voted on in the parliament by the end of the week. Meanwhile, students and academics plan country-wide protests against the bill.

Politics, culture and society in Central and Eastern Europe.
The new bill is supposed to be voted on in the parliament by the end of the week. Meanwhile, students and academics plan country-wide protests against the bill.
Western European rhetoric making Eastern Europeans the profiteers of the European Union overlooks another economic reality.
Macron and Verhofstadt’s aim in raising the specter of Eastern European populists is to undermine their own populists at home.
*The following is an edited transcript of an interview conducted for European Alternatives’ forthcoming documentary, Demos: Solidarity in Europe. While …
*The following is an edited transcript of an interview conducted for European Alternatives’ forthcoming documentary, Demos: Solidarity in Europe. European …
How to cross the Yugoslavian border in 1990: “Everybody who speaks German, come with us. Sprichst du Deutsch? Come with us.” We join the brigade of angry Germans, marching toward the front.
To say that the situation of people with disabilities in Poland is difficult is an understatement.