Prague: “By only focusing on the highest corridors of power, the gloriously stupid decisions being made at the local level go overlooked.”

Politics, culture and society in Central and Eastern Europe.
Prague: “By only focusing on the highest corridors of power, the gloriously stupid decisions being made at the local level go overlooked.”
Kosovar architect presents the country’s ’90s history at the 2018 Venice Biennale of Architecture.
If you look puzzled, or answer in your clearest English, “I’m sorry, I don’t understand, kid, I’m from Minnesota,” he will call in the troops: “Marek! Krzysztof! Piotr! Chodzi tu!” Each kid has a deck of postcards, a map of the city or a booklet about the cathedral…each costing one dollar.
Ewa Majewska and Katarzyna Rakowska talk on Black protests, abortions and reproductive rights.
Polish hospitals are not much for ice when it comes to post-op recovery, I discover later Tuesday afternoon, lying alone in my bed back in 538. No ice, no water. No nothing, just me, my bed, a couple of roommates.
Listen the history of Auschwitz, the whole history of Auschwitz in one man’s brain.
It’s not only the language and resetting of the agenda that the ruling parties of Hungary and Poland have in common. However, they do not mirror each other either.