*The following is an edited transcript of an interview conducted for European Alternatives’ forthcoming documentary, Demos: Solidarity in Europe. Tell …

Making sense of the latest news and events in World politics, economy, culture and society.
*The following is an edited transcript of an interview conducted for European Alternatives’ forthcoming documentary, Demos: Solidarity in Europe. Tell …
At one o’clock in the afternoon expectations were at breaking point. For days you could feel a kind of countdown, …
Malta does not brand itself as the place of ultramodern sky-scrapers. Instead, the country is portrayed through images that highlight its idyllic Mediterranean location, rural lifestyle or its ‘glorious past’.
It was a sunny day, unusually hot for May. At noon, the fire truck was already there. Activists with workers’ …
On Brexit, the future of Europe and DiEM25’s vision.
After months of difficult coalition talks, German Chancellor Angela Merkel finally managed to establish a new government in early March, only to find that she has a spoiler in her own camp.
Earlier this week the Immigrant Council of Ireland announced the launch of the Bloody Foreigners campaign, a migrant driven blood …