To take back control we need neither to retreat to existing nation-states nor to replicate the nation state’s authoritarian structures at a smaller, regional level.

Making sense of the latest news and events in World politics, economy, culture and society.
To take back control we need neither to retreat to existing nation-states nor to replicate the nation state’s authoritarian structures at a smaller, regional level.
The unrelenting challenges of overwhelming technological development entail a future of despair for large parts of our species. Alienated in …
“I returned, numbed. I returned unable to ignore or accept what everybody (including myself) has, over the years, gradually accepted …
Towards a United States of Europe?
A few months ago, a video spread across the internet of teenagers hanging without safety equipment from the 771ft One Canada Square building in Canary Wharf. They were practicing rooftopping, a form of urban exploration that involves infiltrating and climbing the tallest buildings in the world.
An investigation into the living conditions at Via Costi, a wretched occupation on the periphery of the Italian capital.
The co-founder of an anti-fascist sports club in London talks sexism, self-defence and why more of us should bring sweat into our politics.