As many had hoped but few expected it was youth mobilisation that swung it towards Labour.

Making sense of the latest news and events in World politics, economy, culture and society.
As many had hoped but few expected it was youth mobilisation that swung it towards Labour.
This weekend an international gathering will take important first steps in linking the new experiments together around a shared agenda.
Whatever the result on Thursday this unashamed socialist campaign has shifted what is politically possible in British politics.
Both Trump and Caligula were beloved by the masses because they had no respect for the government and humiliated political elites.
We are left with a political struggle to fight racism and misogyny and also present a view of the classics that better accommodates our worldview.
We live in a historical moment where we need a transversal, brave and open feminism, a transformative movement for all.
The strong performance of the radical left in last Sunday’s local elections indicates a growing alternative to nationalism as a response to the crisis.