It is not fair to love a country because it appears to be backward—although I could name half a dozen towns in Western nations that make handsome currency off their refusal to enter the twentieth century. I treasure in Poland an Old which is hard to come by in the West.
Poland in Transition 1989-1991: Urban Landscape with Student Party
The second chapter of the book by David R. Pichaske: “The long, low light of late afternoon washes the scene in the warmth peculiar to that time of day, and for a second I think I’ve wandered into some nineteenth century landscape… or one of those village scenes, painted just last year in the style of the Old Masters, sold in Łódź art galleries for $20.”
Poland in Transition 1989-1991: Arrival
The closer I looked, the more I saw… and the less—not the more—I thought I understood. Another two years in Poland and I would have been as unable to interpret Poland as I am able to explain America.