Open letter of solidarity with Ukraine from the Leon Schiller Polish National Film School of Theatre and Television in Lodz.
Kyiv: Why Violence? | Київ: Чому насильство? Interviews with rioters
Interviews with rioters at Euromaidan.
Sławomir Sierakowski in Berkeley and Stanford
A discussion with Slawomir Sierakowski, Founding Director of Krytyka Polityczna.
Senior Citizen
Senior’s voice is hardly heard by local authorities. That has to be changed!
Summer Reading Rooms of Political Critique
The Book Park is a project where we move bookshelves and books to various locations in Sopot.
Support Ukrainians and they can help us build a fairer Europe
Intellectuals’ appeal for a Marshall plan for Ukraine.
Citizen Journalism 4.0
The Citizen Journalism 4.0 workshop is a step towards democratization of mass media.