
Blockupy Festival (20-23.11.2014) in Frankfurt am Main


[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he inauguration of the new headquarter of the European Central Bank has been postponed to 2015. Instead of waiting for the rulers to schedule dates and events we will set our own agenda with the Blockupy Festival. Following the motto #talk#dance#act we are going to deepen our theoretical and organizational exchanges, discuss the next steps of Blockupy and tune ourselves in for the opening of the ECB


We need to talk about what has to be done. Together we want to continue the substantive discussion about the crisis politics of the ruling elites and constellations for an alternative Europe from below. We will also use the time to come to an understanding about strategic key-questions. For this purpose two large, public panel discussions on issues of emancipatory politics and the development of the crisis, will take place. Furthermore a wide range of workshops about actual topics – feministic analyses of the crisis to TTIP, the conflict in the Ukraine, the situation in Rojava etc. – will be offered. In addition we will have multi-session working groups to debate crucial strategic questions in a somewhat continuous and committed manner. Several Asambleas/General assemblies will serve as a central space for our exchanges and mutual decision-makings. Last but not least, guided tours through the city will open up unusual insights into the actual developments and political struggles in Frankfurt.


Blockupy is inviting you all. In order to get to know each other beyond all substantive and strategic debates, the Festival offers several spaces of cultural exchange and encounter. In addition to self-organized cultural events taking place in many different sites in the city before and during the Festival, a big concert and a joint party will provide diversity. Also photography exhibition about Blockupy, readings and film screenings are planned.


Exceed limits. Jointly and publicly announced we are going to take our protest loudly to and on the streets and squares of the city in several actions of protest, disrupting the processes of capitalistic everyday life and making those who are responsible for the crisis actually and symbolically visible.
For this purpose, you will find activist workshops in the Festival’s agenda in which small actions and the appropriate material can be prepared. On Saturday a common inspection of the site of the newly constructed ECB towers will take place – in form of a common march and walk: The move of the ECB’s office space queues up and “we will lend our hands” as a clear signal and a foretaste of the ECB-blockade in 2015.

Nov. 20th to Nov. 23rd 2014

Blockupy Festival’s Program Overview




Krytyka Polityczna
Krytyka Polityczna (Political Critique) is the largest Eastern European liberal network of institutions and activists. It consists of the online daily Dziennik Opinii, a quarterly magazine, publishing house, cultural centres in Warsaw, Łódź, Gdańsk and Cieszyn, activist clubs in a dozen cities in Poland (and also in Kiev and Berlin), as well as a research centre: the Institute for Advanced Study in Warsaw.