
International Women’s Strike

We are organizing a big international strike for women on the 8th of March 2017.

We are organizing a big international strike for women on the 8th of March 2017. We are working together on a scheme to unify actions to be realized in our respective countries. The International Women’s Strike (IWS) is a grassroots movement established by women from different parts of the world. The inspiration came from Iceland and Poland and it was created by women from different countries during the autumn of 2016 as a response to the current social, legal, political, moral, and verbal violence experienced by contemporary women at various latitudes.

● HOW DO WE PROTEST? We suggest an open form of protest, depending on your preference.
● Total strike – stopping work or housework,  and cease playing social roles as caregivers for the whole workday
● Part-time strike – stopping production /work for 1 or 2 hours
● In case you can’t stop your work use black elements – black clothes, black ribbon or any other element
● Boycott companies using sexism in their advertisements or approach to workers
● Boycott chosen local misogynists (to be selected by you)
● Sex strike*
● Shopping strike
● Blockage of roads and streets
● Demonstrations, pickets, marches
● Install auto-reply “out of office” and explain why
● Public acts of apostasy towards the Catholic Church

At 6pm local time all of us will engage in one more mutual action: read the IWS manifest (to be announced) and make noise to shake up the planet.

For further information on these events, please see the following link.

Wanna join and organize a protest in your nation? For information and support please write: [email protected]
Here you’ll find instructions how to open your strike event:
Look at our website and contact us.

*Editorial disclaimer: The editors of this article are simply citing the actions previously chosen, but we actully do not agree with striking against sex. In fact, we encourage people to have MORE SEX on this day!
