Following a landmark year, in which the feminist movement finally “went mainstream” in many countries, International Women’s Day 2018 was about providing visibility of problems, but, more importantly, furthering solutions and strategies for change. There were new policy proposals, like those offered by Italy’s Nonunadimeno, new protest discourses like Spain’s ‘feminist strike’, and an ever deeper dialogue between generations across the continent. Our latest coverage, like this map of the new Polish feminism, interview with Basque feminist media collective, Pikara, and fAKTIV, organisers of a huge Night March in Croatia are testament to the momentum behind this moment. These images, meanwhile, to an extent speak for themselves, and we hope they will inspire as a brief glance into the possibilities of solidarity across class, race, and hard borders all kinds.
Warsaw, Poland

Athens, Greece

Prishtina, Kosovo

Istanbul, Turkey

Florence, Italy

London, UK

Kiev, Ukraine

Valletta, Malta

Madrid, Spain

Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Belgrade, Serbia

Zagreb, Croatia