If 2015 has taught us anything it has taught us that Europe is in trouble and that its fate cannot be left to those who have been running, undemocratically and thus ineffectively, its ailing institutions. On 9th February, the Volksbühne Theatre in Berlin will host the launch of a Pan-European movement with a simple, radical purpose: To democratise Europe!
The movement will be launched by Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s ex-finance minister and ‘economic rock-star (Business Insider). His last appearance at Volksbühne provoked huge interest among the German audience and media and was quickly sold-out. This time he is returning with several of his ‘accomplices’ from all over Europe with concrete ideas on how to democratise Europe and to stop its insidious fragmentation.
The guests invited come from everywhere on the continent, determined to put together a movement that knows no bounds and is free of vested interests. DiEM choose to have no funding, no strings attaching them to ‘sponsors’, no ‘commitments’ to anyone except to the idea that Europe will either be democratised or it will disintegrate.