Women in the Czech Republic receive lower salaries than men and are more at risk of poverty. When will this change?

Politics, culture and society in Czech Republic.
Women in the Czech Republic receive lower salaries than men and are more at risk of poverty. When will this change?
Andrej Babiš, finance minister, one of the richest Czechs, and owner of an influential media group all in one, denied the horrors of the Roma Holocaust on 1 September.
Tereza Stejskalová speaks to filmmaker Hafed Bouassida about his exeprience of the Prague Spring.
East European backwardness is undergoing an unexpected renaissance.
The median Czech salary has grown in the past year. But growth itself does not prevent economic insecurity.
In the Czech Republic, ultra-conservative associations fighting against ‘homosexualism’ are not nearly as strong as in Slovakia or Poland. One Social Democratic MP has become their unexpected ally.
TV Prima’s manipulation of news coverage concerning refugees clearly breaches journalistic standards. But neither the Czech broadcasting authorities nor the station’s Swedish owners are willing to address the issue.