What’s it like working for minimum wage in a hospital laundry room? Saša Uhlová’s investigative project explores workplace conditions in the worst-paid jobs in Czech Republic.

Politics, culture and society in Czech Republic.
What’s it like working for minimum wage in a hospital laundry room? Saša Uhlová’s investigative project explores workplace conditions in the worst-paid jobs in Czech Republic.
Saša Uhlová’s investigative project explores workplace conditions in the worst-paid jobs in Czech Republic
An oak near to the village of Spělkov will commemorate the Roma partisan.
Paramedics usually don’t know what to do with someone on a bad acid trip, and are not prepared to do the psychological work to help users.
The escalation of global war and conflict is a topical matter that most Czech galleries are afraid to tackle, and Czech artists are not exactly known for their snappy responses to current events.
Šedá’s book is a mosaic of images and scenes, which leads to a quick rejection of the whole work as a racist pamphlet.
The situation of humanities academics in the Czech Republic is nothing short of disastrous. Why are intellectuals facing destruction? Is there a way out?