The Tibetan spiritual leader visited the Czech Republic – and promptly managed to demonstrate just how close the affairs of China and Tibet lie to the hearts of its elected representatives.

Politics, culture and society in Central and Eastern Europe.
The Tibetan spiritual leader visited the Czech Republic – and promptly managed to demonstrate just how close the affairs of China and Tibet lie to the hearts of its elected representatives.
Iraqi Phd student continues to be held in detention in Poland, facing deportation as a threat to national security.
As the Slovak teachers’ movement for better working conditions continues, politicians fail to take action.
European Union can leave Poland behind. And it seems that it starts to be willing to do that.
Philipp Ther discusses his latest book on the history of neoliberalism in Europe after 1989
UPDATE: Populist billionaire candidate Andrej Babiš and his party ANO have won the 2017 Czech Republic’s general election.
Dawid Krawczyk talks to Magdalena Bartnik from the Harm Reduction Foundation and Agata Kwiatkowska from Social Education Foundation about the politics of injection drug use.