The root causes of the election outcomes are logical results of local trends.

Politics, culture and society in Central and Eastern Europe.
The root causes of the election outcomes are logical results of local trends.
Europe has a duty to act on Jarosław Kaczyński and his party.
Documentary filmmaker Martin Kohout, whose latest film deals with the “voucher privatization” of the 1990s in the Czech Republic, talks about the Czech post-1989 economic transformation.
The Hungarian regime is oppressive not only because of its infringement of democratic institutions, but also because it keeps large sections of society in extreme poverty.
Sławomir Sierakowski in conversation with Anton Shekhovtsov.
In the case of EU disintegration, Central Europe could draw inspiration from ideas of the Balkan federation. The cooperation of the Baltic countries, Visegrad, and Ukraine could serve as a backup plan.
Interview with Mateusz Kijowski – founder of The Committee for the Defence of Democracy, a Polish civic organization created in response to the Polish constitutional crisis.