Should Slovakia continue in this direction, it would only result in precarization of the work of employees and citizens.

Politics, culture and society of Slovakia .
Should Slovakia continue in this direction, it would only result in precarization of the work of employees and citizens.
An increase in history lessons in Slovakia is being pushed for by far-right extremists.
A seemingly local issue of eviction points to a much larger problem in Slovakia.
The third most-read newspaper in Slovakia seems to suffer from a bad case of ideological bias.
The massive support for Slovak fascists (ĽSNS) is a response to the country’s socio-economic division.
What should one think about foreign direct investments (FDIs) in Slovakia in 2016?
What really lurks behind the shining slogans or the river banks lined with glass buildings and pictures of happy families that are supposed to attract people to a newly built area of Bratislava?