In the contemporary moment, “Europe might appear like a continent pulling itself apart”, write Niccolò Milanese and Lorenzo Marsili in …
How is gentrification affecting the life of women in Lisbon?
Neoliberalism has been shaping cities as places for tourism, gentrifying and dismantling the cooperative environment of neighborhoods in different cities …
The far right knocks on the the door of Spanish politics
*This article was first published on the Spanish magazine CTXT *This article was first published on October 23, 2018 On Sunday …
Watershed moments
Representative political space is created plurally throughout political participation by means of the representative system, and is thus defined as …
The nation state must be overcome
Daphne Büllesbach is Executive Director of the non-governmental organisation European Alternatives. She is a political scientist and board member of …
Building walls: fear and securitization in the European Union
On November 9th 1989, the Berlin Wall fell, marking what many hoped would be a new era of cooperation and …
Anti-discrimination work without intersectionality is bound to fail in the long run
This interview was first published on the Spanish magazine CTXT. Emilia Roig is the founder and executive director of the Berlin-based …