We have to get rid of the centrality of work to our lives. We have to build alternatives.
Poland: Sleepwalking In the EU
Kaczyński neither likes nor understands Europe.
Where Will Poland Turn Next: Merkel or Trump?
Time is of the essence: should Poland and Germany not reach a swift agreement, it’s not impossible that, with Poland’s direct or indirect support, Putin and Trump will benefit the most.
Your house is now ours
How the law surrounding the “reprivatization” of properties in Warsaw is being exploited.
Marsili: Remain to change is DiEM’s message [Interview]
Leaving the EU would leave Great Britain extremely weak.
Misetics: Cutting the safety net for the poor is a fundamental threat to democracy
The Hungarian regime is oppressive not only because of its infringement of democratic institutions, but also because it keeps large sections of society in extreme poverty.
Dymek: Mortal Kombat Constitution
Why is the Polish constitutional crisis a threat to Europe?