Visual Culture Research Center and Political Critique invite you to the lecture by political Russian artist.

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Visual Culture Research Center and Political Critique invite you to the lecture by political Russian artist.
The “End of Politics” and the “Vanishing of history”: A Look Back into the Emergence of Our Present. With Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht.
This project is addressed to 15 children and young Romanian Roma immigrants living in Poland who for the first time in their lives have gained access to school but are not covered by insurance.
Sign the collective statement of solidarity with Nikos Romanos, a political prisoner on the 27th day of a hunger strike.
Some Parallels between the Violent Breakup of Yugoslavia and Today’s Ukrainian Crisis.
Kazimiera Szczuka und die Herausgeberin der ersten deutschsprachigen Ausgabe Janions Studien Magdalena Marszałek im Gespräch.
Visual Culture Research Center and Political Critique invite you to the meeting with a poet and playwright Keti Chukhrov (Moscow), who will present her new film Love Machines