With a new-found reputation for radicalism, Ukrainian politics is in flux. The left, however, are nowhere to be seen.

With a new-found reputation for radicalism, Ukrainian politics is in flux. The left, however, are nowhere to be seen.
Germans protest in 14 cities against Angela Merkel’s politics on Greece.
Central European EU countries who are refusing to accept migrants would benefit from reflecting on their own history of emigration.
In real terms it is impossible to have a good deal with the EU now. But maybe we should finally realize that it is the EU who needs a radical shock therapy, not the indebted countries – says Panagiotis SOTIRIS.
Poland’s man in Brussels, President of the European Council Donald Tusk, has truly settled into his shoes as a new member of the European elite.
The British government has announced that citizens from most EU countries will not be eligible to vote in the planned referendum on the UK’s potential departure from the European Union.
It is still the West that provides us with the model of institution as well as law and order – the European Court is not the one that should deal with the problem of secret prisons, it’s the Polish judiciary that should. Jakub Dymek in conversation with Józef Pinior.