Activists unveil details on the economic blockade between Ukraine and uncontrolled territories, revealing the stance of both proponents and critics of the initiative.

Politics, culture and society in Central and Eastern Europe.
Activists unveil details on the economic blockade between Ukraine and uncontrolled territories, revealing the stance of both proponents and critics of the initiative.
Should Slovakia continue in this direction, it would only result in precarization of the work of employees and citizens.
The challenges facing the region are multiplying and Eastern Europe is increasingly polarised.
Is it acceptable to apply for funding by the government when it represents the exact opposite of everything that a cultural worker thinks and believes?
Protests and demonstrations in Belarus are on the rise. So are dissidents’ arrests.
Without any human interest in the artists and the world they live and work in, Artstaq is a dystopian variant of the end of art’s autonomy.
Hundreds marched throughout the streets in Kyiv on March 8th in support of gender and women’s rights.