Time is of the essence: should Poland and Germany not reach a swift agreement, it’s not impossible that, with Poland’s direct or indirect support, Putin and Trump will benefit the most.

Making sense of the latest news and events in Polish politics, culture and society.
Time is of the essence: should Poland and Germany not reach a swift agreement, it’s not impossible that, with Poland’s direct or indirect support, Putin and Trump will benefit the most.
The former Polish president, Lech Wałęsa, had been a paid informant for Communist secret police. What does this mean to us?
We do not know where this road will lead us; we only know that it will be difficult to follow.
The liberal opposition is playing right into Kaczyński’s hand: its scandals have all but discredited the protest movements.
This phase of Poland’s parliamentary crisis is over, but Poland remains stuck in a much deeper one – the crisis of far-right authoritarian rule, of representative parliamentary politics and of democracy itself.
He was a consistent critic of postmodernity and identified the basic mechanism of reproduction in contemporary societies: consumption and seduction.
Interview with Barbara Blaine, the president of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP)