Political Critique in Berlin; Polish Spring / Polska Wiosna.
Sérgio Vaz, poet and cultural activist in Berlin
In the week of the “Marginal Literature” (22-31 May 2013), Sérgio Vaz brings the new literature from São Paulo’s periphery to Berlin.
Polish Spring / Polska Wiosna – Workshop with Performeria Warszawy
How many times do we pass through neighborhoods we know without realizing the potential in the space around us?

Polish Spring: “Woman´s Day”
Debate in Berlin: “Woman’s Day today and in the past” (Polish/German)
Polish Spring: Women’s Day/ Dzień Kobiet, 7th May
Open diskussion after the screening: “Women’s Day in the past and today” with: Roman Kurkiewicz, Katarzyna Kwiatkowska, Maria Sadowska.
Democracy is controversy plus solidarity: Sierakowski, Shore, Snyder, Haven
In the Absence of Krzysztof Michalski.
New Haven: Time for the Neo-Dissidents?
Sławomir Sierakowski and Marci Shore in conversation about the current state of democracies.