Winterthur’s cultural radio station will broadcast live every day from the foyer of the Theater Winterthur. These talks can be followed in person or online.

Stay up to date on the latest events, meetings and activities by Political Critique.
Winterthur’s cultural radio station will broadcast live every day from the foyer of the Theater Winterthur. These talks can be followed in person or online.
What is left of the hope of the free market, the right to vote and the dream of ‘living in freedom’ of 1989? What has happened since the democratic transformation in Central and Eastern Europe?
Even without the official inaugurations of the new ECB headquarter, Blockupy will be in Frankfurt this fall. Be there and take part – to #talk #dance #act
Exhibition’s title Lockout refers to the work stoppage at the enterprise initiated by the employer – practice, which is forbidden in many countries but Ukraine.
This is the topic of the “European Disputes” taking place on November 7, 2014 at the Staatsbiliothek zu Berlin.
Documentary film screening on Thursday 30th October, 8PM at MUZEUM SZTUKI NOWOCZESNEJ in Warsaw.
Presentation of the 5th issue of Political Critique magazine.