Sławomir Sierakowski in Alpbach / European Forum Alpbach 2014 / Political Symposium

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Sławomir Sierakowski in Alpbach / European Forum Alpbach 2014 / Political Symposium
Birmingham: special screening featuring works by internationally acclaimed Polish artist Artur Żmijewski.
The idea of the festival is to present critical diagnoses of Polish socio-economical conditions and possible solutions to problems, which Jacek Kuron dealt with his entire life, especially in areas such as education, neighborhood, community and cooperation.
The European Cultural Foundation invites you to submit an innovative, daring idea for cross-sectoral collaboration that engages Europeans in re-defining and shaping “public space”.
On May 5th Kapela will appear on The Wheeler Centre stage in Melbourne.
Krytyka Polityczna joins European Cultural Foundation’s new project.
A discussion with Slawomir Sierakowski, Founding Director of Krytyka Polityczna.