The story of the war in Ukraine is based on false symmetry: „If there is civil disobedience, a rebellion leading to the abolition of the government no matter how disliked and corrupt it is – it equals civil war”.
Radynski: Middle Eastern Europe
A declaration of war is far more intriguing than an announcement of ceasefire. Declaring the war at least obliges to something, whereas announcing ceasefire doesn’t.
Kyiv: The Fall of the Regime | Київ: Кінець режиму
Events that led to the collapse of Yanukovych regime.
Ukraine Goes To War
Ukrainians prepare for Russian invasion in various ways.
Crimea divided
Civic confrontation in Crimea. 15-17 March, 2014
Radynski: The Eastern Partnership of Blood
Police violence on Maidan means that Europe will never again talk with Yanukovych.
We Are All Russians Now
Oleksiy Radynski comments on protests in Russia.