The annual Czech popular vote music contest has seen a neo-Nazi band in its top three for the second year in a row. Is racism becoming mainstream?

Politics, culture and society in Czech Republic.
The annual Czech popular vote music contest has seen a neo-Nazi band in its top three for the second year in a row. Is racism becoming mainstream?
Real estate company to throw hundreds of Romani people out into the cold – literally.
According to Czech left-wing parties, a strong state does not mean the redistribution of wealth towards the poor – it means respecting the authorities and having a rather flexible approach to human rights.
An official Czech grotesque: or “Terrorism” directed by the police
What Czech society is missing is not a “decent president”, but a “noble populism” focused on the right aims.
The Tibetan spiritual leader visited the Czech Republic – and promptly managed to demonstrate just how close the affairs of China and Tibet lie to the hearts of its elected representatives.
UPDATE: Populist billionaire candidate Andrej Babiš and his party ANO have won the 2017 Czech Republic’s general election.