Tracing the journey of refugees as they land on the Greek island of Lesvos. Thomas Orchowski reports.
Tensions in the Czech Republic
Przemysław Witkowski reports from last Saturday’s anti-refugee demonstrations in Prague.
Forgotten Refugees: Chechen asylum seekers in Poland
Muslim asylum seekers in Poland are not a new phenomenon. Refugees from Chechnya have been applying for asylum for two decades now.
When xenophobes have a holiday
On 6 February, several thousand people demonstrated in Prague against refugees and the ‘Islamization of Europe’. Some of them clashed with opposing groups.
Cieszyn: Kids without their place as building faces demolition
“You can’t help feeling that the main reason for the demolition is to oust Krytyka Polityczna”.
9 reasons why the EU’s bank is no climate leader
The track record of the European Investment Bank, the world’s largest public lender, stands in stark contrast to its pose in Paris as a hero in the fight against climate change.
Equality, freedom, and fraternity for all
The situation of refugees in Hungary shows the lack of a truly democratic understanding of the European community.