Join the Pride celebration on Saturday 30 July in Bratislava.

Politics, culture and society in Central and Eastern Europe.
Join the Pride celebration on Saturday 30 July in Bratislava.
Szilárd Kalmár discusess the downward spiral of Hungary’s labour market.
We see huge problems with NATO, but we cannot simply propose to leave it or get rid of it as long as we don’t find a different systemic solution which would guarantee the safety of the region.
In the Czech Republic, ultra-conservative associations fighting against ‘homosexualism’ are not nearly as strong as in Slovakia or Poland. One Social Democratic MP has become their unexpected ally.
Euroskeptic politicians, such as Solvakia’s Richard Sulík, have a lot to learn from Brexit
Political Critique spoke to refugees and NGO representatives about the situation of refugees and internally displaced people in Ukraine.
The Slovak government plans to push for policies leading to European fiscal union.