Philospher Boris Buden explains the failure of post-communism.

Philospher Boris Buden explains the failure of post-communism.
Jaroslav Fiala speaks to Gaspár M. Tamás about the brutality of capitalism, Orbán’s Hungary, and the failure of the European system.
The situation in Eastern Central Europe should serve as a warning against Brexit.
Economist Ilona Švihlíková’s new book shows that there were alternatives to the failed privatization of the 1990s, just as there are alternatives to the current bleak state of affairs.
Czech society is often sadistic towards the weak. How far is it willing to go?
Documentary filmmaker Martin Kohout, whose latest film deals with the “voucher privatization” of the 1990s in the Czech Republic, talks about the Czech post-1989 economic transformation.
Jaroslav Fiala speaks to philosopher Srećko Horvat about the new pan-European movement DiEM 25.