Over a month has passed since the rescue vessel Sea Watch 3 has been given the order to stay put in Malta, unable to …

Professional and citizen photojournalism from our contributors and friends.
Over a month has passed since the rescue vessel Sea Watch 3 has been given the order to stay put in Malta, unable to …
Agora CEE 2018 meeting in Cieszyn (5TH edition)
Estimates suggest that over 150,000 gathered in Rome on the 25-26 November to mark the International Day for the Elimination …
On 8 August 2017, a Solidarity without Borders demonstration took place in Hamburg, Germany. According to the police, more than …
I followed the ONR march facing a barrier of howls.
European citizens in Brussels gathered in protest against Trump’s visit
Thousands of Poles took to the streets over the weekend to protest the government’s latest anti-democratic actions: photos by Marta Modzelewska.