“For the sake of the town’s humanity it’s time to get rid of the notorious horse traders.” Jakub Szafrański visited the horse market in Skaryszew, here is his photo story.

“For the sake of the town’s humanity it’s time to get rid of the notorious horse traders.” Jakub Szafrański visited the horse market in Skaryszew, here is his photo story.
Free Courts, Free Elections, Free Poland (Wolne Sądy, Wolne Wybory, Wolna Polska – 3xW) – was the common slogan and …
Be careful with your dogs sir. They’ll shoot them. Do you know there is a hunt running here?
Workshops, lectures, discussions. 140 participants from more than 20 countries. Central and East European Agora 2017 took place in Cieszyn between August 24 and 27.
On 8 August 2017, a Solidarity without Borders demonstration took place in Hamburg, Germany. According to the police, more than …
The scene turned out to be like a hot pan brimming with a fried post-political mix: sermons, threats, singing bards, odd costumes, seasoned with sucker punches, flares, and finished with a stink bomb.
On 3 June 2016, the council of the city of Gdansk announced that the city had bought a building in the former Gdansk shipyard, which had until now been home to the Instytut Sztuki Wyspa (Wyspa Institute of Art – ISW). The ISW now has to leave the building.