On November 11, Poles celebrated Polish Independence Day. As in previous years, the official memorial events were overshadowed by the march organized by nationalists and far-right groups. According to police estimates, up to 60 000 people took part in this year’s march. The crowd, composed of football hooligans, fascist militias, and families with children, took over the city centre for a couple of hours. Judging by the slogans and signs they held, they were calling for a white ‘ethno state’ based on fundamentalist catholic values. “We want God,” was this year’s motto.
Polish nationalists invited their allies from the Slovakian neo-fascist party “Ľudová strana Naše Slovensko” (People’s Party, Our Slovakia) and the leader of the well-known Italian fascist party Forza Nuova. Along with their Polish hosts they chanted together: “Death to the enemies of the Nation”, “Man and woman. The only normal family” and “White Power.”
No representatives of the Polish government condemned the demonstration. Meanwhile, police secured the march and arrested those who tried to block it.