Poland in Transition 1989-1991: Street Markets

“Professional peddlers piled up a good amount of money, and more is being made as prices rise even higher and a system of wholesaling develops. That this new wealth is not effectively taxed is the government’s fault, not the peddlers.” Read the fourth chapter of the book by David R. Pichaske.

Poland in Transition 1989-1991: Urban Landscape with Student Party

The second chapter of the book by David R. Pichaske: “The long, low light of late afternoon washes the scene in the warmth peculiar to that time of day, and for a second I think I’ve wandered into some nineteenth century landscape… or one of those village scenes, painted just last year in the style of the Old Masters, sold in Łódź art galleries for $20.”

Poland in Transition 1989-1991: Arrival

The closer I looked, the more I saw… and the less—not the more—I thought I understood. Another two years in Poland and I would have been as unable to interpret Poland as I am able to explain America.