Today, we feel trapped between a rock and a hard place. Squeezed between a failing and undemocratic European Union and equally failing and undemocratic national states. But beyond sterile arguments over the benefits of an independent nation-state or of a united Europe, we think that what we should really be talking about is how to organise to transform both.
That is why, together with many others, we are interested in the new pan-European movement to be launched in Berlin by Yanis Varoufakis on February 9th, DiEM25.
The European Alternatives’ political webshow, Talk Real, was led and presented by Lorenzo Marsili (@l_marsili), director of European Alternatives. He spoke with Yanis Varoufakis, Portuguese MEP and presidential candidate for the left Marisa Matias, the founder and leader of the Polish left movement Krytyka Polityczna Slawomir Sierakowski, and with the international representative of Italian trade union FIOM, Valentina Orazzini.
The talkshow was live-streamed from the Volksbuhne theatre in Berlin on February 8th at 7PM CET.
The edited version of the talk will be available from the morning of Tuesday 9th February, the day of the official launch of DiEM. It will be signposted on the above social media pages and on YouTube.
Of course the best way to stay informed and to stay engaged is to join European Alternatives.
Really fantastic article
An excellent discussion with many different points of view from different countries. I believe that each country wants Democracy in a different way and What I mean is that applies to each country’s needs.
For Yanis, my patriot who I follow him for 15 years , I have to say that his movement is not as easy as he or any one else thinks. He has to work very hard and he does need alliances big time with a common cause.It is easy to discuss it than to make it a reality.
I agreed and disagreed with some of the options presented coming from each country including Greece (my country) but I will tell my disagreement to Yanis elsewhere.
Thank you Real Talk , for a very interesting discussion
ot as in-depth as I expected, but good enough