We have arrived at the time of the year where Czechia must once again undergo the sad, insufferable annual award …

Politics, culture and society of Slovakia .
We have arrived at the time of the year where Czechia must once again undergo the sad, insufferable annual award …
September sees protests in the Czech Republic and a fight over abortion in Slovakia.
The end of the last century brought new hope to post-communist Slovakia, but the state’s cultural policy quickly adjusted to a capitalist mode of production. Cinema mostly did not present a critical voice in this process. Narratives in Slovak feature films remained isolated from the political situation and critical documentary was censored on public television.
Marian Kotleba – a teacher from Banská Bystrica who became the most notorious Slovak nationalist. Who is he? What do people of his hometown say about him?
The massive protests taking place in Slovakia lack a clear direction, and the opposition is not exactly a shining example of liberal democracy either.
It seems the ghosts of wild 90’s are still present in Slovakia. Read the main facts about the murder of Ján Kuciak.
The reported unemployment rate in the Žilina region is 6 percent, which is below the average for Slovakia. We assumed it would be easy to locate workers willing to be interviewed. We were wrong. As a result, we compiled this report out of three interviews with employees of three different companies based in this region.