Hector Huerga (15M Barcelona International) on the need of reshaping Spanish political system before the general election in December.

Political Critique’s video content & recommendations covering news, economy, politics, debates, science, education and more.
Hector Huerga (15M Barcelona International) on the need of reshaping Spanish political system before the general election in December.
David Marcus (www.dissentmagazine.org) talks about all the latest developments in the 2016 US presidential election and explains the US presidential campaign.
Claudia Bernardi (Esc Atelier, Italy, www.escatelier.net) on refugee crisis in Europe.
Peripheralizing Europe is a meeting of activists/researchers/cultural workers connected to the European peripheries, taking place near Kauna in Lithuania. It aims at reconsidering the European crisis from the viewpoint of the Eastern and Southern peripheries of the continent.
Video reporting by Tomas Rafa. Written by Veronika Pehe.
Seminar by Michał Bilewicz in the cycle “Poland for Beginners”.
Recent march in Bratislava was joined by some 200 admirers of the wartime Slovak state who headed to the tomb of its – sentenced to death and executed – head Jozef Tiso.