Apparently, biology can be subversive in Poland.

Apparently, biology can be subversive in Poland.
For many years now I have been meeting activists in Poland and in Europe – people working in NGOs, social …
This war has been declared by the Polish State. And we’re going to this war. Agnieszka Wiśniewska comments.
This Tuesday the European Parliament held yet another debate on the political situation in Poland. During the discussion, the Law …
Pavlensky is a man you may remember for nailing his scrotum to the Red Square, wrapping himself up in barbed wire or cutting off his earlobe. Each of these actions is thought through and well designed, though.
You can have both Belorussian and Russian visa and still be prevented from entering Russia from the Belorussian territory. I got trapped in the local catch-22.
Political Critique has created a women’s expert database in an attempt to gender balance contributors featured on TV and radio programmes.