It’s done. The votes have been counted, ashes fallen, and blood is being mopped off the floors. The Czech Republic has officially elected Miloš Zeman as its President.

Politics, culture and society in Central and Eastern Europe.
It’s done. The votes have been counted, ashes fallen, and blood is being mopped off the floors. The Czech Republic has officially elected Miloš Zeman as its President.
The second chapter of the book by David R. Pichaske: “The long, low light of late afternoon washes the scene in the warmth peculiar to that time of day, and for a second I think I’ve wandered into some nineteenth century landscape… or one of those village scenes, painted just last year in the style of the Old Masters, sold in Łódź art galleries for $20.”
Henryk Wujec, a Polish politician and historical member of the Polish labour union Solidarność, met the filming crew and researchers to give his point of view on the future of a country that he helped to construct in the 80s, and that will determine Europe’s future in the coming years.
The Pirate Party, with the 22 seats in the parliament, has become the third most powerful political force in the Czech Republic. Who are Czech Pirates and what are the problems they want to focus on? Read the interview with the Pirates leader Ivan Bartoš.
Jędrzej Niklas of the London School of Economics talks to Bartłomiej Kozek about how algorithms can perpetuate discrimination and argues that they should not be left in the hands of IT people.
The closer I looked, the more I saw… and the less—not the more—I thought I understood. Another two years in Poland and I would have been as unable to interpret Poland as I am able to explain America.
The Polish Ministry of Health has decided to target ‘legal highs’ and it is doing it in the worst imaginable way.