Different sets of statistics show very different results about what Central Europeans think about the EU.

Politics, culture and society in Central and Eastern Europe.
Different sets of statistics show very different results about what Central Europeans think about the EU.
Poland’s recent uprising against an increasingly authoritarian government offers the opportunity for its left to reassert itself.
More than anything, this corporate culture builds a fantasy that shouldn’t be underestimated: that everyone belongs to the middle class.
One would think that over the years, the stereotypical Western view of Eastern Europe would’ve changed. Turns out, it hasn’t.
According to the common saying, prostitution is the oldest profession in the world – but it isn’t. Midwifery is.
The reported unemployment rate in the Žilina region is 6 percent, which is below the average for Slovakia. We assumed it would be easy to locate workers willing to be interviewed. We were wrong. As a result, we compiled this report out of three interviews with employees of three different companies based in this region.
The detachment between the Balkans and European Union may be detrimental to the development of Europe in its entirety.