Commentators, analysts, and intellectuals across Europe comment on the UK’s decision to leave the European Union.

Commentators, analysts, and intellectuals across Europe comment on the UK’s decision to leave the European Union.
Claire Fox, Head of the Institute of Ideas, makes the case for Lexit in an interview with Slawek Blich.
You can now apply for ECF’s third Idea Camp that will take place in March 2017. Deadline to apply is 20 September 2016.
What kind of continent do transnational social movements and leftist political circles that create networks of European collaborations struggle for? …
Philosopher and cultural critic Boris Buden speaks about post-communist countries ‘path to Europe’ and its colonial consequences.
This debate will feature Philipp Ther and Miroslav Beblavý, is free to attend and will take place in English in …
It’s high time to stop seeing the rise of the Right and xenophobia as a matter of national character.