Three months ago, six people died at the Unipetrol chemical plant in Kralupy nad Vltavou. We went to discover what conditions they worked in.

Politics, culture and society in Czech Republic.
Three months ago, six people died at the Unipetrol chemical plant in Kralupy nad Vltavou. We went to discover what conditions they worked in.
Miloš Zeman, the president of the Czech Republic, has just burned a pair of giant red underpants at a press conference called for this exact purpose. Meanwhile, Zeman has an even bigger iron in the fire.
While negotiations about a government with the confidence of parliament are still running, Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš has been busy removing people who posed potential problems.
Prague: “By only focusing on the highest corridors of power, the gloriously stupid decisions being made at the local level go overlooked.”
To date, Czechia has not announced any date for a coal phaseout, although the country has signed up to the Paris Agreement and the national energy strategy envisages a decreased role for fossil fuels over the coming decades.
An affair concerning the alleged cooperation of British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn with the Czechoslovak secret service (StB) has recently …
It’s done. The votes have been counted, ashes fallen, and blood is being mopped off the floors. The Czech Republic has officially elected Miloš Zeman as its President.