Recent successes of Polish urban movement suggest that people are ready for a different way of practising democracy.

Making sense of the latest news and events in Polish politics, culture and society.
Recent successes of Polish urban movement suggest that people are ready for a different way of practising democracy.
This week’s grand opening of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews marks the moment when we realize the stigmas have loosened their hold on us.
On Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year, the two Polish weeklies “Newsweek” and “Wprost” decided to drive Polish readers to despair with the standard of Polish journalism.
One guy was from Gdańsk, the other from Kraków, a chemistry student, very intelligent, he simplified the method.
Designer drugs were like a comet on the legitimate market.
In May, Aleksander Kwaśniewski admitted in “The New York Times” that the decision he had made twelve years ago to sign the act criminalizing drug possession had been a mistake.
The amendment to the Act on Preventing Drug Addiction is expected to soon enter into force.