Municipalism + Culture = Democracy. Culture helps you build the world you want to see. Democracy needs your imagination.

Editorials from the Krytyka Polityczna and partners.
Municipalism + Culture = Democracy. Culture helps you build the world you want to see. Democracy needs your imagination.
It is hard to imagine what we will think about 2018 in a few years. But while we are thinking …
There is an urgent need for a narrative on economics that will allow us to grasp the role it has been playing in the constellations of power throughout the ages.
The eBook is a free publication released with the convenience that knowledge should be accessible without limitations to anyone interested in the subject.
It goes without saying that not using Facebook in the era of Facebook is very different from doing so before Facebook has been created.
2016 was an apocalyptic year for socio-political life. It was also a busy year for Krytyka Polityczna.
Czech society is often sadistic towards the weak. How far is it willing to go?