
The French Election with the Local Hubs of EA

Today the situation is too serious in France and in Europe for equivocation or ambiguity in denouncing the far-right nationalism, and voting to ensure it does not triumph. Together with the local HUBS of Berlin, Rome and London, European Alternatives are organising a series of discussions in different European cities to claim that there must be bottom-up movements, parties and candidates which express genuinely the concerns and problems of people and set out real policy alternatives to address them.

LONDON: London Solidarity Social – with Another Europe is Possible

What happens in France doesn’t stay in France. Far from it. With far-right nationalists on the rise all across Europe, the results of the upcoming presidential elections in France are likely to affect the lives of many in the UK and other parts of Europe too. What would it mean for those fighting for a progressive Europe if Marine Le Pen’s Front National receives popular reception in the elections, and how can we continue to show solidarity across national borders in post-Brexit Europe? With these questions in mind, European Alternatives and Another Europe Is Possible are inviting you to join our Solidarity Social in London right before the second round of the French elections.

At the event, we will be screening the 50 min documentary “The Big Picture: The Making and Breaking of Europe”, which traces far-right ideas across history and illustrates how they have come to spread across Europe and into mainstream politics. The screening will be introduced by speakers from European Alternatives and Another Europe is Possible, and followed by a drinks reception with the opportunity for further discussion.

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BERLIN: (Neo)Liberalismus oder Abschottung – with Euro-Topics

Erstmals haben weder der sozialistische noch der konservative Kandidat die Stichwahl erreicht. Um das Präsidentenamt kämpfen am 7. Mai der Gründer der wirtschaftsliberalen Bewegung En Marche!, Emmanuel Macron und die Chefin des rechtsextremen Front National, Marine Le Pen. Das Duell zwischen Macron und Le Pen symbolisiert zweierlei: Frankreichs traditionelles Parteiensystem funktioniert nicht mehr und das Land ist tief gespalten.

Der Kampf um das Präsidentenamt wird zudem als eine Abstimmung für oder gegen Europa wahrgenommen. Le Pen will raus aus dem Euro und die Franzosen über die EU-Mitgliedschaft abstimmen lassen. Macron tritt in den Augen vieler für Europa ein und will die Eurozone gemeinsam mit Deutschland stärken. Nicht alle unterlegenen Konkurrenten der ersten Runde haben eine Wahlempfehlung für ihn abgegeben, Umfragen zufolge kann Macron mit gut 60 Prozent der Stimmen rechnen.

Wo verläuft die Bruchlinie in der französischen Gesellschaft? Welche Reformen braucht Frankreich und sein politisches System jetzt? Und welche Folgen könnte die Wahl für Europa haben?

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ROME: Rien ne va plus – Ballottaggio francese: fate il vostro gioco – with Sparwasser

La roulette del voto è truccata. Che vinca il rosso o il nero, il 7 maggio gli elettori francesi si troveranno a giocare con sole due fiches sul tavolo: da un lato l’europeismo liberale dell’establishment e di Macron, dall’altro il nazionalismo sovranista dell’estrema destra e Le Pen. Con l’hub romano di EA e Sparwasser, vogliamo seguire insieme lo spoglio del ballottaggio francese per confrontarci su cosa questo rappresenti per l’Europa e per l’Italia. Cosa significa andare oltre questa falsa alternativa? Qual è il ruolo della società civile nella costruzione di uno spazio alternativo al sovranismo di destra e all’europeismo sterile? Come interpretare la rivolta populista e il collasso delle socialdemocrazie? Soprattutto, che fare ora?

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European Alternatives
European Alternatives is a non-profit, non-state organisation working with the conviction that a transnational renovation of our political imaginations, institutions and actions needs to take place to adequately understand and address the crises Europe is facing.