Remember project fear? It was Cameron and Osborne’s scare campaign. The economic collapse that never came. We on the left …

Audio podcasts from Political Critique’s programme of public lectures, debates and events.
Remember project fear? It was Cameron and Osborne’s scare campaign. The economic collapse that never came. We on the left …
Listen to the episode “The left and the EU – the neoliberal conundrum” of the Another Europe podcast with economist …
Russia’s military involvement in Syria and its support for President Assad make this country a necessary factor to be taken into account in all strategic solutions regarding ISIS and mass exodus of asylum seekers in Europe.
Is the West going to trade Ukraine off for Russia’s support in the Middle East?
European Alternatives speaks with some of the key people behind Krytyka Polityczna, one of key left-liberal movements in Eastern Europe.
The debate between Richard Sennet, Saskia Sassen and Sławomir Sierakowski.
How the misuse of key concepts impedes our understanding of modern economies?