Is it acceptable to apply for funding by the government when it represents the exact opposite of everything that a cultural worker thinks and believes?

Hungarian politics, culture and society.
Is it acceptable to apply for funding by the government when it represents the exact opposite of everything that a cultural worker thinks and believes?
They wanted a change to the education system – a better and less oppressive system.
The opposition in Hungary has managed to claim a victory over the current and corrupt ruling party by gathering public and media support.
I do not want Hungary to host the Olympics, neither in 2024 nor in 2028, despite my love for sports.
“I am 49. I used to work in a school, but later I transferred here because the salary was bigger. Sometimes I have nightmares.”
The discourse surrounding the ‘role of women’ is a privileged issue within Hungarian debate on demographic policy.
A fence is clearly not enough: Hungary now protects its citizens by means of witch-hunt.