Jędrzej Niklas of the London School of Economics talks to Bartłomiej Kozek about how algorithms can perpetuate discrimination and argues that they should not be left in the hands of IT people.

Making sense of the latest news and events in Polish politics, culture and society.
Jędrzej Niklas of the London School of Economics talks to Bartłomiej Kozek about how algorithms can perpetuate discrimination and argues that they should not be left in the hands of IT people.
The closer I looked, the more I saw… and the less—not the more—I thought I understood. Another two years in Poland and I would have been as unable to interpret Poland as I am able to explain America.
The Polish Ministry of Health has decided to target ‘legal highs’ and it is doing it in the worst imaginable way.
The choice of Mateusz Morawiecki to lead Poland’s Law and Justice (PiS) government is widely believed to reflect the PiS’s desire to endear itself to investors and the European Union. In fact, Morawiecki, like his predecessor, was chosen for a very different reason: to facilitate PiS leader Jarosław Kaczyński’s consolidation of power.
The European Union has made efforts in the last decade to adopt ambitious climate and energy policies, but at every turn, Poland has positioned itself as the ‘bad boy’ of the bloc by repeatedly resisting agreements.
Agata Diduszko-Zyglewska talks with Marek Lisiński, President of the “Do Not Fear” Foundation which works to change our society’s consent …
Free Courts, Free Elections, Free Poland (Wolne Sądy, Wolne Wybory, Wolna Polska – 3xW) – was the common slogan and …