During the 25th anniversary of the historic 1989 parliamentary elections in Poland, much room must be made for Jacek Kuron.

During the 25th anniversary of the historic 1989 parliamentary elections in Poland, much room must be made for Jacek Kuron.
New column by Sławomir Sierakowski is out in the New York Times.
Faced with the powerlessness of the West, the countries of Eastern Europe are confronted with the need to reflect on their foreign policies.
Russia can be stopped without a single shot and without sacrificing anyone’s well-being.
Polish edition of Ivan Krastev In Mistrust we Trust published by Krytyka Polityczna.
Such ineffectiveness first became apparent in 2008, when NATO could not decide whether to offer Georgia a clear invitation to join.
According to Poland’s Catholic Church, the Council of Europe’s Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence is breaking down the educational system by requiring education on homosexuality and transsexuality.