As a response to the abominable abortion ban proposal in Poland, a small grassroots on-line feminist group organized a solidarity …

Politics, culture and society in Central and Eastern Europe.
As a response to the abominable abortion ban proposal in Poland, a small grassroots on-line feminist group organized a solidarity …
The Hungarian government announced victory over child poverty
This war has been declared by the Polish State. And we’re going to this war. Agnieszka Wiśniewska comments.
Women in the Czech Republic receive lower salaries than men and are more at risk of poverty. When will this change?
Hungarian referendum on refugee quotas deemed invalid.
Tens of thousands abstained from their duties at work to protest against the Polish government’s attack on women’s fundamental rights with its proposal to completely ban abortion.
The #IAmNotAfraidToSpeak movement, which demonstrated the prevalence of rape culture in Ukraine, became one of the most notable events on the Ukrainian Internet.